Thursday, February 21, 2013

Word Wall & Show & Tell

I'm always looking for ways to incorporate our word wall into our learning. In addition to the buzz words that come from our theme units I have started to incorporate items brought in during show & tell too.

While the children are showing and telling I keep my card strips and sharpie nearby so I can write down what it is they are sharing. 

 After they finish we quickly discuss what letter they think the item starts with and then each child gets to place their card with the corresponding letter. It's been very successful so far! Although my current class is small I know larger classes would probably not be able to do this unless show and tell is narrowed down to only a few but since we're small everybody shares every week!

  Until next time...

Valentine's Activities

Last week was so much fun! We learned about fairy tales. Of course we took advantage of hearts for Valentine's Day!

We began by decorating our goody bags!

Fortunately I was able to find lots of great ideas for activities on Pinterest like these...

I was even able to use my fairy tale dress up dolls to coordinate with our theme.

More Pinterest ideas....

I was even inspired to work on one of my own where the children matched the letters of their names to make their own cards to take home!

I also decided to use the tp roll shaped hearts to decorate our lovely Valentine's Day cards.

We were very fortunate enough to have an awesome parent allow us to borrow more than enough princess dress up props for our princess party we threw.

More fun ideas I modified 

Last but not least always finding more opportunities for writing experiences. I've even come up with something I think will be great to incorporate daily!  More on that later...

See you next time!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Helping with Fine Motor Skills

As we were decorating our bags today I found a really cool way to help reduce waiting time while working with peeling the backs off of stickers!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What We've Been Up To!

I thought I'd give a little glimpse of our days since up till now. Since it's been a while between posts.

Right now we are exploring weather conditions but before that here's what happened!

We had an  awesome party 
before our holiday break!

Between October & November we learned about pumpkins and other foods!

We explored more food learning about 
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We had big fun at the pumpkin patch! 

See you later!

Happy New Year!

It has been so long since I posted I thought I would write share what's been going on. I started the school year with just one class on Tuesday and Thursday mornings now we have two classes! Our Monday Wednesday Friday class started on the 7th of this month and things are going great! I also have more good news. Since I'm usually done with class by 10:30 every day I have signed on to teach KinderJam classes. I'm already about half way through my training and I'm very excited about becoming an instructor! I hope everyone has been keeping busy so far!