Monday, June 25, 2012

Yikes, What is This???

We're getting a little messy today. I am at least! I know you may be wondering what exactly is this? Doesn't look too appetizing does it? Well, it's not really unless you are into excess salt. It's.....

Play dough!  I am making it for our next class! Sea salt play dough to be exact. Before you ask, no I did not set out to make sea salt play dough. ;D  It was an accident, well not completely. I wanted to make the play dough but did not want to use all of my table or kosher salt to do so. I also had an enormous amount of Hawaiian sea salt that I have not used in months except to make kalua pork, so I figured it couldn't be any harder than kosher salt to blend in right? Wrong! After I finished cooking the dough, I noticed that it had a rock salt texture to it. While I don't particularly like it I thought the kids might really enjoy it during their fine motor activities!    

Interested in the recipe?

I got my play dough recipe from  Here is something else I did; I added a packet of invisible watermelon and kiwi kool-aid to the mixture to make it scented. Enjoy! I know we will!


  1. Homemade play dough is the best! Great job, the kids are definitely going to enjoy it.

  2. Play-doh is so much fun....especially when you add a scent. =)

    Have you made the magic balls before? My kiddos always love that.

    I just found your blog and would love to follow you but you don't have a followers button. =(

    Let me know if you need help adding one.

    I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. I have lots of *freebies* you can grab. =)

    Heather's Heart
